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“Poverty is not permanent,” Aeon Magazine, 10 February 2025. (also available as audio version and shared on Curio).

Why? On Our Failures of Imagination to Accomplish Dignity for All | Center for Social Concerns, Virtues and Vocations Magazine, University of Notre Dame, August 2024.

Cato Unbound Dirk Philipsen and Katherine Trebeck Resource Abundance and the Limits to Growth

“Rethinking Values and Wellbeing,” Cato Unbound, 12 May 2021.

Aeon Private gain must no longer be allowed to elbow out the public good Dirk Philipsen

Private Gain Must no Longer Be Allowed to Elbow Out the Common Good,” Aeon Magazine, 24 April 2020 (some 50k+ reads, 10k+ FB shares; reprinted in Duke Daily and five international journals).

aeon dirk philipsen economics for the people article

“Economics for the People – Reclaiming the Commons from Capitalism,” Aeon Magazine, 22 October 2020. (also available as audio version and shared on Curio; some 40k+ reads, 4k+ FB shares).


All Articles since 2000

“Poverty is not permanent,” Aeon Magazine, 10 February 2025.

“Why?  On Our Failures of Imagination to Accomplish Dignity for All,” Virtues and Vocations Magazine, University of Notre Dame, August 2024.

“A Common Good Approach to Development,” review article, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Vol 24, issue 4, 592-595, Spring 2024.

What Counts – Why Growth Economics is Failing Us, Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol 23/3, first published online Fall 2022; printed publication Aug 2023.

This Life – Sacred or Not, Precious Indeed,” review of Norman Wirzba’s This Sacred Life.  Syndicate, Oct 2022.

“The Tragedy of the Private – Theft, Property, and the Loss of a Commons,” Cultural Dynamics, special issue, vol 33/3, August 2021: 163-174.

“Moral and Market Disordering in the Time of COVID-19,” with Michaeline Crichlow, Cultural Dynamics, special issue, vol 33/3, August 2021: 145-161.

“Rethinking Values and Wellbeing,” Cato Unbound, 12 May 2021.

From a Harmless Bet to Russian Roulette,” co-authored with Katherine Trebeck, Cato Unbound, special issue on “Resource Abundance and the Limits to Growth,” 16 April 2021.

“Economics for the People – Reclaiming the Commons from Capitalism,” Aeon Magazine, 22 October 2020. (also available as audio version and shared on Curio; some 40k+ reads, 4k+ FB shares).

Private Gain Must Yield to Public Good,” Seattle Star, April 29, 2020.; re-published in iDose.

Private Gain Must no Longer Be Allowed to Elbow Out the Common Good,” Aeon Magazine, 24 April 2020 (some 50k+ reads, 10k+ FB shares; reprinted in Duke Daily and five international journals).

The Fall of the Berlin Wall – And What it Means for Walls Today,” Tampa Bay Times, 8 November 2019. 

Fall of Berlin Wall Laid Bare Wounds of War,” Newsday, 7 November 2019 (re-published in other venues like Duke Today).

When Realism Becomes the Enemy of the Necessary and Good,” Medium, 9 November 2019.

 “Walls – Discredited,” Medium,  8 November 2019.

We Are the People,” Medium, 7 November 2019.

“(Mis)Reading the Berlin Wall – 30 Years Later,Medium, 6 November 2019,

“Jumping Off a Runaway Train,” The Hill, 6 November 2018 (re-published in several other venues).

“Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy,” with Robert Costanza et al, Solutions, Vol 9, Issue 2, April 2018.

“I Deserve It! – The Idea of Entitlement in an Interdependent World,” Encompass Magazine, Spring 2018.

Crisis May Trigger Transition,” Asia & Pacific Policy Society, 13 February 2017. Co-authored with Robert Costanza, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Maja Göpel, Ida Kubiszewski, Hunter Lovins, and Stewart Wallis.

Can Trump’s Election Open the Door to a Sustainable and Desirable Future?” Huffington Post, 14 February, 2017. Co-authored with Robert Costanza, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Maja Göpel, Ida Kubiszewski, Hunter Lovins, and Stewart Wallis.

We’re a Divided Nation – That Actually Agrees on a Lot,” The Hill, 23 February 2017 (Also lead story on Duke Today and What’s Next, 24 February 2017)

The Tools We Use to Measure the Economy Are Broken,” The Hill, 6 October 2016

“Cars. Guns. Nonsense.” Op-ed in Durham Herald Sun, 27 June 2016

“Enduring Shortcomings,” Cultural Dynamics, July 2016 28: 241-246.

GDP’s Wicked Spell,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 15 June 2015.

“The Growth Delusion: It’s Time to Stop Believing in GDP,” Long & Short, NESTA London, April 2015.

Flawed Economic Growth Metric Skews National Priorities,” The Post and Courier, 29 Oct 2015

“When it Comes to GDP and Quality of Life, Growth not Always Good,” Raleigh News and Observers, 24 October 2015

“Rethinking GDP:  Why We Must Broaden our Measures of Economic Success,” The Nation, 27 June 2011.

 “Uncle Sam’s Broken Arm—Historical Reflections on Race, Class, and Government in the Wake of Katrina,” The Journal of Race and Policy, Special Issue, Vol. III, no 1, (Fall 2007), 33-45.

“…One of Those Evils That Will Be Very Difficult to Correct”:  The Permanence of Race in North America,” introduction and overview to a collection of essays for a special edition of the Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 72, no 2 (Spring 2003), 190-192.

“Investment, Obsession, and Denial: The Ideology of Race in the American Mind,” Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 72, no 2 (Spring 2003), 193-207.